Saturday, June 11, 2011

Rosemary Cheese Bites and The Winner Is....

Rosemary Cheese Bites

So, my dear friends, I have a bonus post for you this week...weekend...whatever you want to call it. Katie Goodman, who is the author of the beautiful blog, GoodLife Eats, asked if I would do a guest post for her while she was taking some time off to spend with her sweet hubby. Of course, I said, "Absolutely...."

What you will find when you hop on over there is a little bit of musing...of course...and a recipe for Rosemary Cheese Bites that are like a grown-up Cheese-It. I can't tell you how good they are. You won't be able to stop eating them and no, they don't have any butter in them. None at all. They are calorie free. They aren't at all like a savory shortbread cookie. :)

Click here to hop on over to Rosemary Cheese Bites

And the Winner Is.....
Thanks so much all of you who entered to win the National Pork Board Giveaway I talked about on my last post. I wish I could have given it away to all of you but since I only had one, and to keep me honest, I let the Kindergartner choose the winning "ticket" and here's how it went.

The Kindergartner is stirring up the names.

He's pulling out the winning ticket.

He's opening it up.

And the Winner Is....

Amy M., I have your email address and will be in touch to gather all pertinent information. Congratulations!!

Organizing Project
The only kind of organizing getting done these days is what I have now coined as:
Drive-By Purging and Organizing: Creating Calm Out of Chaos

It's when your To-Do list has you so overwhelmed you simply abandon it and then, grab a paper sack and start throwing things in it to be donated without any thought. And even when you are loading it into the car, you are still looking around the garage saying to yourself, "What else can I throw in here? Oooo, small army man on the ground, you are a goner."

All original text and photographs copyright: Carrie Minns 2009-2011


Elisa said...

Hi Carrie!
I stopped by from Katie's blog and I've been reading non-stop your previous posts. you have a way with writing that I just want to continue reading!

Carrie said...

Thank you for stopping by Elisa and leaving your thoughtful comment. So glad you've enjoyed the posts. Have a wonderful weekend!

Strawberry CAKE said...

Congrats Amy M. What an awesome giveaway. And these bites looks so yummy! Cheers.

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