Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cherry Tomato and Asparagus Summer Salad on AM Northwest

Day 232 - Like candy....

So, my dear friends, this week has been filled with milestones, celebrations and a few tears on the part of yours truly. One headed to high school, one to middle school and one leaving that sweet, sweet year of Kindergarten and as I've said before every first for my littlest one is a monumental last for me. To say, "last day of Kindergarten" is a bit extra-emotional for me. Me, the weeper.

I'm sure you will understand when I say that I won't have one of my usual musings post this week. My time this week is being spent with family but I do leave you with a live version of a delicious summer salad I posted on La Pomme last July. Toss in a little chicken, some leftover grilled steak or serve it on the side of your grilled salmon. A perfect summer meal!!

Cherry Tomato and Asparagus Salad
Brought to life on AM Northwest
Click here for the recipe. (It's the second recipe...although the first one is good too!)

If a video screen does not appear above this line, click here to be taken directly to the site.

All original text and photographs copyright: Carrie Minns 2009-2011

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Nice rapid-fire segment on AM Northwest! You are so amazingly calm, cool and collected in front of that TV camera! Such a pro...

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