Why, hello there dear friends....enjoying your Saturday morning? I felt compelled, this morning, to let you know of a rather epic (?) blogging event happening out in the blogosphere.
The sweet and ever-so-talented Victoria Smith of the extremely popular and always inspiring design blog, sfgirlbybay, has organized a chain letter of inspiration, so to say, calling it the Blog It Forward Mashup. Three hundred of us bloggers (yes, that was 300) from the world over are posting, on our designated day, what it is that inspires us. I will be rambling on spewing forth my words of wisdom next Friday, February 19th as part of this event but since it started on February 10th and I've already read so many wonderful and insightful posts, I just couldn't keep it all to myself until then.
Most of the blogs participating are of the design sort: interiors, art, photography, sewing, knitting and so on. Many of them...absolutely stunning. So, as you linger over your coffee (or tea, like me) this holiday weekend, looking for something to peruse, please check out this gathering of talent. Once you click on the schedule, you'll see how Victoria (over many glasses of wine, I'm sure) had to organize us into 10 different groups. She had some more established bloggers start us off including the beautiful Hula Seventy blog from Portland. Three from each group have already gone but since there isn't any posting being done on the weekends, you can catch up and be ready for the fresh words of inspiration on Monday.
My vegetarian Brunswick stew was a smash hit. Raves all around. And enough for the next coupla lunches. The emptying of the jar of garlic (ignoring the rec # of cloves) was the key. And lotsa ketchup/worchestershireshire sauce.
JME - Thanks for sharing the play-by-play with your Brunswick Stew. Have been waiting for my overnight package to arrive with my bowl of your masterpiece. Ah, well...I guess I'll just have to make do with the photos..
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