Thursday, September 30, 2010

AM Northwest and Apples, Apples and More Apples

Day 266

I can't tell you how it makes me jump with glee knowing how many of you have already run out and bought apples to make apple sauce.  I have already had to buy 20 MORE because I can't even get the batch off the stove before it's been devoured. Maybe we should plan a day where we all make apple sauce on the same day. Just think how sweet our city would smell. Then again, maybe not.

Now, just in case you grow tired of making apple sauce but still have apples left, here's my little segment on AM Northwest yesterday where I give a quick demonstration on how to make an Apple Crostata (that is AMAZING....if I do say so myself) and I discuss my children's possible therapy needs in the future. To which my daughter commented after viewing it, "Thanks, Mom. Thanks a lot." Ah well, I can never be certain what might come out of my mouth when I think I'm funny.

If you do not see a video screen above this line, click here to be taken directly to the website.

A few of you have asked me where I purchased the apple peeler I used on the show. I happened to "impulse buy" mine at the New Seasons in Cedar Hills. For those of you who aren't in the Portland area and are interested in owning one, here's the link to it on Amazon.


Editor's Correction: There was a mistake in the last posting by La Pomme de Portland. She incorrectly stated that her daughter received a text message from heartless teenagers, when in actuality that text message came from her father, entitled "Hanging with my Hommies", in an effort to be funny. La Pomme had to explain to her sweetie that his message was in no way funny to a 13-year old girl who already felt left out and now knows that her father was hanging out with her friends at the football game she wanted to be at. "Love ya, babe!"

All original text and photographs copyright: Carrie Minns 2009-2010


Amber said...

Your cute little sound effects remind me so much of a certain college friend of yours. One of my favorite things about her (and now you!).

Another amazing job on AM NW... you're such a natural.

Carrie said...

Ahhh, thank you, Amber! Just imagine those cute little sound effects when we're together.

Forme of Cury said...

I wait all year for apple season. Pies, sauce, raw, whatever, I never met an apple I didn't like.

Oh - and what a sweet picture!

Carrie said...

Why, thank you, Forme of Cury!

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